How Long to Digest a Meal and Eat Again

The body digests different macronutrients at dissimilar rates, and the combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats in a repast affects how quickly it moves through your system. Try an experiment to meet this showtime-paw: Today, eat an apple tree by itself—chances are, you'll experience hungry an hour later. Tomorrow, eat an apple with a serving of peanut butter, and notice how you experience satiated longer. The peanut butter adds fat and protein to your snack, helping tide you over until dinner. But what takes place during digestion to brand this true? First, yous have to empathise how each macronutrient is processed.

"Carbohydrates are the body'due south primary fuel source, which means that they need to be readily bachelor to provide fuel to every office of the torso (and, in item, your brain and working muscles) at any given fourth dimension," says Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND, director of worldwide nutrition teaching and training at Herbalife Nutrition.

As such, carbs have the shortest digestion time—and refined ones, like crackers and cookies, are digested quicker than unprocessed carbs, like the apple, which tend to be rich in fiber—so they tin can provide quick free energy. Carbs besides give the torso an advantage in stockpiling any excess, says Bowerman, then it can pull from storage equally needed (say, when y'all're hitting a SoulCycle class later piece of work).

Protein, on the other hand, is digested more slowly than carbohydrates. The digestion process doesn't begin until it hits the tum, as the molecules' large size requires more work from the torso to intermission them downwards. The full breakdown of proteins into amino acids, or "edifice blocks" that make up muscles, occurs in the small intestine, where they're captivated through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream, says Bowerman.

Dietary proteins aren't intended to be used for free energy, she notes, simply instead manufacture hundreds of proteins in the torso, from pilus, pare and musculus to hormones and enzymes disquisitional to healthy body function. This procedure happens continually, so proteins aren't in demand the style carbs are.

Fats accept the longest to digest—non only are they the last of the macronutrients to leave the stomach, but they too don't get through the majority of the digestive process until they hit the small-scale intestine. "Since fat and water don't mix, the processing of dietary fatty takes longer, because the end products have to be water-soluble before they tin be transported in the watery environment of the bloodstream," says Bowerman.

During digestion, fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, which are so absorbed by the intestine; so they must be reassembled with some proteins to be transported into the blood. Considering this tin can take a long time—up to 6 hours, says Bowerman—the body doesn't utilize fats to provide quick energy, and equally such, they go a main way we shop calories, equally trunk fat.

The problem with understanding how each macronutrient is digested is that nosotros rarely consume macronutrients in isolation—and so how long it actually takes to assimilate a meal can vary widely (for example, even a high-fat nutrient similar peanut butter also contains poly peptide, and even a few carbs). On boilerplate, it takes 24-72 hours for a meal to move completely through your digestive tract, says Mary Creel, a registered dietitian with eMeals. Yet that can vary greatly from person to person; digestion is affected by your sleep, stress level, water intake, action level, gut health, metabolic rate and historic period, says Creel. A study from the Mayo Clinic even institute a huge divergence in digestion time amidst genders: The boilerplate transit fourth dimension through the large intestine was 33 hours for men and 47 hours for women.

Keeping those points in mind, Creel breaks down average digestion time for some common foods:

A bowl of oatmeal: 1-2 hours

A circuitous carb, oatmeal is a peachy source of soluble fiber and has a high satiety ranking, equally it soaks upward h2o and delays emptying into the tum. It has a longer digestion time than a refined cereal, like Frosted Flakes.

An apple: one 60 minutes

This also has a high satiety ranking, just due to the high water content, it might merely take an hour to digest. Accept a source of poly peptide along with this carb to stay fuller longer.

A slice of pizza: 6-8 hours

Pizza has carbs in the crust, sauce, and vegetable toppings, plus high fat and protein in the cheese, and any meat toppings. The higher fat means it takes longer to digest.

A salad: 1 hour

If you add an oil-based dressing or a poly peptide like cheese or chicken, digestion will have longer. While a salad on its own volition assimilate quickly, the high h2o and fiber content of lettuce and vegetables helps yous feel total.

A hamburger: 24 hours to 3 days

It depends on the size and toppings of the burger, but a meal like this requires a lot of digestive free energy to break downward the big molecules in protein and fatty. Near hard to believe information technology can take days to digest, isn't it?

A slice of cheesecake: 12 hours

You can count on a full 12 hours for this one to suspension down, due to the high fat content with eggs and cream cheese (aka, don't plan on hitting the gym a few hours subsequently dessert, or yous'll feel some serious stomach pains.)

How to Speed Upwardly Digestion

Beverage at least 8-10 cups of water a mean solar day to go on things moving, and regularly eat fruits and vegetables with high water content, like watermelon or salad. Creel also recommends taking a daily probiotic for gut wellness. Ane additional tip: Consuming all your calories within a 12-hour fourth dimension frame—a concept the science community calls "fourth dimension-restricted feeding"—could also be fundamental to optimum digestive health, according to recent inquiry.

"It's all about staying in sync with natural rhythms of your torso clock," says Dr. Pamela Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP, FACSM, chair of the Jenny Craig Scientific discipline Advisory Board. She advises her clients to follow the 12-12 rule, meaning a 12-60 minutes window of eating followed by a 12-60 minutes window of fasting. (For example, if you end dinner at seven:00 p.chiliad., you don't eat again until 7:00 a.k. the next morning.) This method allows your body to optimally digest your repast and convert from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism, using fat every bit fuel. Ultimately, she says, you should look at eating and digestion as a way to attend your body and provide it with the fuel information technology needs.


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